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KKR Private Infrastructure (KIF) Fund (AUD)

Access a diversified range of global private infrastructure opportunities from a market leader.

Introducing KKR Private Infrastructure (KIF) Fund (AUD)

Bringing together the proven* and specialist global private infrastructure capability of KKR and its Australian investment partner, Channel Capital, the KKR Private Infrastructure (KIF) Fund (AUD) (the Fund or KIF) delivers access to an unparalleled and globally diversified portfolio of KKR private infrastructure investments.

The Fund provides a direct route for Australian eligible investors to access KKR’s global private infrastructure portfolio within a single strategy, and with immediate diversified exposure across infrastructure sectors, geographies, vintage - only previously accessible by institutional investors.

* Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns.

Four reasons to consider the Fund


Access to the potential benefits of private infrastructure


Open-ended fund designed for eligible individual investors


Single entry point to KKR's full suite of infrastructure investment strategies


Immediate exposure to a diversified infrastructure portfolio**

  1. ** An investment in the Fund involves subscribing to shares of a collective investment and not of a given underlying asset.

Thematic approach to portfolio construction

KKR allocates capital across infrastructure assets and sectors using a risk-based and value creation-oriented approach, which has helped KKR identify three long-term trends that KKR believes provides a compelling opportunity today.


Data is the fastest growing commodity in the world with global IP traffic expected to increase by 26% CAGR1


We believe there is tremendous opportunity to reduce the carbon intensity of traditional fossil fuel energy Infrastructure


Industrials and corporates seek to create financial value and operational efficiency by divesting non-core assets

  1. 1. As of April 2020. Source: Credit Suisse Research.

Potential Benefits of Investing in Private Infrastructure

Potential for Downside Protection*

Essential services with strong market positions may create resiliency to economic shocks.

Potential for Cash Distribution

May provide an opportunity for consistent income supported by long-term contracts or regulated revenues.

Potential for Inflation Protection*

KKR believes infrastructure can provide a natural hedge against inflation through pricing power and contracted adjustments.


Potential low correlation to traditional asset classes and complementary to other real assets.

Upside Potential

Investment opportunities in thematic trends (e.g., digitisation, decarbonisation and deconsolidation) may benefit from sustainable, long-term industry tailwinds.
  1. There are several risks associated with investment in this the Fund. Please refer to Product Disclosure Statement for further information.
  2. Note: Investments in Infrastructure strategies are subject to several risks and there is no guarantee that any investment program will be successful or that an investor will realise a return of invested capital. There can be no assurance investment objectives will be achieved.
  3. * Downside protection and downside inflation protection is not a reliable indicator of protection against future losses. ** Diversification is not a reliable indicator of future returns or capital preservation.

Summary of key terms

Responsible Entity
Channel Investment Management Limited ACN 163 234 240 AFSL 439007
The KIF AU Fund will invest into KKR Infrastructure Fund SICAV SA - I, being a sub-fund of the KKR Infrastructure Fund SICAV SA
Investment Objective
Seeks to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns, consisting of both ongoing current income and capital appreciation, by focusing on infrastructure businesses and assets
KKR Infrastructure Fund SICAV SA: Luxembourg Part II UCI
Core, Core+ & Growth Infrastructure in OECD markets2
North America, Europe and Asia
  • 9-11% p.a. target net return
  • Including 4-5% target annualised, paid quarterly (where available from the Underlying Fund)
Min Investment
  • Direct investors: AU$500,000
  • Indirect Investors (via platform): refer to your platform PDS for minimum investment amounts
Monthly NAV pricing
Monthly redemptions (best endeavours). Read the KIF AU Fund PDS for further information on redemption terms.
Class A (Standard Class): 1.71% p.a.
12.5% of total returns, with a 100% catch-up, subject to a 5% annual hurdle amount and a high-water mark (with any positive performance being offset by negative performance in previous periods), measured and paid annually and accruing monthly.
Currency Hedging6
Targeting 90% hedge ratio to AUD (range of 75%-90%)
Minimum suggested investment timeframe
Five years plus
  1. KIF Feeder has one Sub-Fund, comprising several classes (a “Class” or “Classes”) of Shares
  2. OECD countries are defined as member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
  3. Indicative target return for KKR Infrastructure Fund SICAV SA.
  4. Management fees and costs includes management fee, estimated indirect costs and estimated expense recoveries. Other expenses include estimated transaction costs incurred by the Fund when buying and selling assets.
  5. Although entitled to do so under the Constitution, the AU Fund does not intend to charge a performance fee. The AU Fund indirectly invests in interposed vehicles that may charge performance fees. Performance fees charged by interposed vehicles are deducted from the assets of the interposed vehicles as and when incurred and are therefore reflected in the KIF’s NAV and the value of the AU Fund’s investment in the KIF.
  6. The Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) does not specify a currency hedging target range. Currency hedging decisions are made at the Underlying Fund level, beyond the control of the Fund. As such, there is no guarantee that currency hedging will be conducted within this range.

Research Ratings

The following information is only available to professional advisers. By clicking the Agree button below, you confirm that you are a professional adviser.


Portfolio positioning and suitability

Private infrastructure can form part of a real asset portfolio within an alternatives allocation. It may suit investors who:

What are the risks?

All investments involve risk. The key risks of investing in the Fund includes Market risk, Underlying Fund risk, Liquidity risk, Private Infrastructure investment risk and Withdrawal risk. For further information on the risks of investing in the Fund, please refer to the PDS.

Learn more about Private Infrastructure

Discover the latest insights and analysis from the KKR Global Macro and Private Infrastructure teams, including guides and papers to understand infrastructure and the role it can play in a modern-day portfolio.

Read more

Invest with us

Download the PDS, TMD and Application Form.


This information has been prepared for use only by wholesale clients (As defined under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)).

Channel Investment Management Limited ACN 163 234 240 AFSL 439007 (CIML) is the Responsible Entity for the KKR Private Infrastructure (KIF) Fund (AUD) ARSN 673 739 430. Channel Capital Pty Ltd ACN 162 591 568 AR No. 1274413 (Channel) is the holding company of CIML and has been appointed as Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co’s (‘KKR’) distribution partner. Neither CIML, nor KKR, its officers, or employees make any representations or warranties, express or implied as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information contained on this website and nothing contained on this website is or shall be relied upon as a promise or representation, whether as to the past or the future. Past performance is not a reliable indication of future performance.

This information is given in summary form and does not purport to be complete. The Information should not be considered advice or a recommendation to investors or potential investors in relation to holding, purchasing or selling units in the Funds and does not take into account an investor’s particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any information you should consider the appropriateness of the information having regard to these matters, any relevant offer document and in particular, you should seek independent financial advice. For further information and before investing, please read the Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determination for the Fund, available at www.channel-kkr.com.au.

Channel has a financial incentive to recommend KKR’s products to prospective investors, resulting in a material conflict of interest. Other potential and actual conflicts of interest which exist and/or arise from Channel’s current and future business activities and relationships with KKR, its affiliates and investors (including those solicited by Channel) and portfolio companies of KKR-managed funds and accounts ('Portfolio Companies') include Channel and its personnel may from time to time invest in Portfolio Companies and/or companies that have interests different from or adverse to the Fund or other KKR clients and/or their Portfolio Companies. Channel is also entitled to be indemnified from and against any actual and direct liabilities, losses, damages, costs or expenses (including legal fees) arising out of its services, including any claims, demands, actions, suits or proceedings in which Channel may be involved, or threatened to be involved in connection with its engagement by KKR. As a result, the Funds may be required to reimburse Channel or KKR for any expenses incurred in the defence of, or in response to, any such action, although Channel’s engagement with KKR includes certain carve outs to the above indemnification and reimbursement obligations including where such losses arise solely out of our bad faith, fraud, wilful misconduct, gross negligence or a material breach of Channel's agreement with KKR. None of Channel or its affiliates, officers, employees, shareholders or agents are officers, employees, members, partners or agents of KKR, the Funds or their respective affiliates and may not be viewed as such. Channel is not an affiliate of KKR for the purposes of the U.S. Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended.